Theses of our students on this server

Theses published between 1954 and 1995 exist in hard copy only. Please see here for a list of titles and authors and links to details.

The following list contains links to theses published from 1995 on.

  • J. F. Mulvey, PhD, June 2024, in full (PDF, 22MB)
    Characterisation of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors for Large Area Precision Timing at Particle Colliders

  • A. Auriol, PhD, June 2024, in full (PDF, 17MB)
    Measurement of photon-induced ZZ production at the ATLAS Experiment using AFP

  • H. Cooke, PhD, March 2024, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Electroweak Multiboson Interactions in Z gamma j j

  • A. Stampekis, PhD, January 2024, in full (PDF, 27MB)
    Search for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation in Top-Quark Interactions using e-mu Final States with the ATLAS Detector

  • J. Henshaw, PhD, December 2023, in full (PDF, 13MB)
    Beam Intensity Effects on the K+ -> pi+ nu nubar Measurement at NA62

  • J. M. C. Silva, PhD, October 2023, in full (PDF, 36MB)
    Search for Rare Exclusive Hadronic Decays of the W Boson with the ATLAS Experiment

  • W. F. George, PhD, October 2023, in full (PDF, 28MB)
    Searching for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation in Top Quark Interactions with the ATLAS Detector

  • G. Bird, PhD, September 2023, in full (PDF, 21MB)
    Commissioning of the Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Phase-I Upgrade and Searches for High-Mass Heavy Neutral Leptons in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC

  • P. N. Swallow, PhD, August 2023, in full (PDF, 55MB)
    Searching for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation at LHCb and Long-lived Particles with CODEX-b

  • R. J. Ward, PhD, June 2023, in full (PDF, 32MB)
    Searches for Rare and Flavour-Violating Exclusive Decays of the Higgs and Z Bosons with the ATLAS Experiment

  • M. Granado-Gonzalez, PhD, May 2023, in full (PDF, 55MB)
    Applications of Particle Physics Techniques for Proton Computed Tomography

  • A. M. M. J. Da Costa, PhD, February 2023, in full (PDF, 14MB)
    Direct Search for the Higgs Boson to Charm Coupling with The ATLAS Experiment

  • N. Cooke, PhD, January 2023, in full (PDF, 36MB)
    Measurements of Quarkonia and Tetraquark Production in Jets at LHCb

  • R. R. Bosley, PhD, October 2022, in full (PDF, 45MB)
    Digital Electromagnetic Calorimeters for Future Collider Applications

  • T. W. Bache, PhD, August 2022, in full (PDF, 17MB)
    Branching Ratio Measurement of the pi0 Dalitz Decay at NA62

  • D. Lewis, PhD, May 2022, in full (PDF, 5MB)
    Measurements of Neutral Multi-Boson Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

  • P. Freeman, PhD, May 2022, in full (PDF, 72MB)
    Characterisation of CMOS Sensors for Particle Physics Applications

  • T. Fitschen, PhD, April 2022, in full (PDF, 16MB)
    Search for Semileptonic Vector Boson Scattering Using the Full Run II Data Set of the ATLAS Detector

  • G. Virdee, PhD, March 2022, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Searching for Rare and Forbidden Exclusive Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Detrector

  • J. Plews, PhD, December 2021, in full (PDF, 10MB)
    Measurements of DiLepton Channels at LHCb

  • S. Flynn, PhD, November 2021, in full (PDF, 92MB)
    Enhancement of the UK Primary Standard for Absorbed Dose for Proton Radiotherapy

  • H. Wennlof, PhD, May 2021, in full (PDF, 10MB)
    Development of a Silicon Vertex Tracker for the Electron-Ion Collider

  • R. B. Calladine, PhD, May 2021, in full (PDF, 17MB)
    Determination of the rKJ/psi and rK*J/psi Ratios for Lepton Universality Measurements at LHCb

  • P. R. Knights, PhD, March 2021, in full (PDF, 38MB)
    Searching for Light Dark matter with a Spherical Proportional Counter

  • J. C. Swallow, PhD, February 2021, in full (PDF, 18MB)
    Searches for Rare and Forbidden Kaon Decays at the NA62 Experiment at CERN

  • J. V. Cotterill, PhD, January 2021, in full (PDF, 27MB)
    Investigation and Development Towards a Clinically Practical Proton Computed Tomography System for Treating Cancer

  • J. Lindon, PhD, November 2020, in full (PDF, 29MB)
    Particle Collider Probes of Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Generic Beyond Standard Model Signatures in Events With an Energetic Jet and Large Missing Transverse Momentum Using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

  • R. Vallance, PhD, November 2020, in full (PDF, 22MB)
    Charge Asymmetry in Top Quark Pair Production at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

  • R. Turner, PhD, August 2020, in full (PDF, 6MB)
    Detector Control Systems and Searches for Leptonic Decays of the Higgs Boson in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC

  • D. Briglin, PhD, February 2020, in full (PDF, 42MB)
    Prospect Studies for Higgs Boson Pair Production to b bbar gamma gamma Final State at the HL-LHC with the ATLAS Detector

  • M. B. Brunetti, PhD, December 2019, in full (PDF, 7MB)
    Kaon Tagging System and Measurement of the K -> pi gamma gamma Decay at the NA62 Experiment at CERN

  • L. Iacobuzio, PhD, September 2019, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Heavy Neutral Lepton Decay Searches at the NA62 Experiment at CERN

  • E. Reynolds, PhD, September 2019, in full (PDF, 62MB)
    Searching for New Physics in Decays of the Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Detector

  • J. Kendrick, PhD, September 2019, in full (PDF, 11MB)
    Measurement of Single Dissociative Diffraction of Protons in 13 TeV Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment

  • K. Zarebski, PhD, 2019, in full (PDF, 11MB)
    Analysis into the Decays of K to pi mu mu and B c to phi K at LHCb

  • N. Farley, PhD, 2018, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Development of a QA testing and benchmarking framework and a search for the Bc to K*K decay at LHCb

  • J. Broughton, PhD, November 2018, in full (PDF, 20MB)
    Searches for Rare Exclusive Higgs Boson Decays to a Meson and an Associated Photon with the ATLAS Detector

  • A. Foster, PhD, October 2018, in full (PDF, 7MB)
    Single Dissociative Diffraction of Protons in 8 TeV Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment

  • A. Winter, PhD, August 2018, in full (PDF, 7MB)
    Prospects for Higgs Boson and Top Quark Measurements and Applications of Digital Calorimetry at Future Linear Colliders

  • A. Sturgess, PhD, August 2018, in full (PDF, 21MB)
    Tracking Optimisation and the Measurement of K to pi mu mu at NA62

  • T. Williams, PhD, May 2018, in full (PDF, 41MB)
    First Observation of the Charmless Beauty Decay Lambda_b to p K eta^prime

  • M. Baca, PhD, April 2018, in full (PDF, 23MB)
    Search for Production of Dark Matter in Association with a Higgs Boson Decaying to b-bbar with the ATLAS Detector

  • R. Owen, PhD, September 2017, in full (PDF, 18MB)
    Search for Rare Exclusive Devays of the Higgs and Z Bosons to a Meson and a Photon with the ATLAS Detector

  • N. Lurkin, PhD, December 2016, in full (PDF, 16MB)
    Neutral Pion Transition Form Factor Measurement and Run Control at the NA62 Experiment

  • P. Griffith, PhD, December 2016, in full (PDF, 9MB)
    First observation and Branching Fraction Measurement of the Rare Decay Lambdab0 -> pK mu+mu- at the LHCb experiment, CERN

  • M. Levy, PhD, July 2016, in full (PDF, 5MB)
    Inclusive and Differential Measurements of Spin Correlation in top-antitop quark pairs at sqrt(s) = 8TeV using the ATLAS Detector

  • D. Alexandre, PhD, June 2016, in full (PDF, 9MB)
    Hyperon Production in p-Pb Collisions with ALICE at the LHC

  • G. R. Lee, PhD, June 2016, in full (PDF, 26MB)
    Resonance Production in the pi+pi- Decay Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at 7TeV

  • L. Pescatore, PhD, May 2016, in full (PDF, 10MB)
    Searching for New Physics in b -> sl+l- Transitions at the LHCb Experiment

  • V. Fascianelli, MSc by research, March 2016, in full (PDF, 7MB)
    Development of a software trigger algorithm for electron identification using the NA62 RICH Cherenkov detector

  • A. Daniells, PhD, March 2016, in full (PDF, 13MB)
    Pile-up Suppression in the ATLAS Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger and Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production

  • R. D. Mudd, PhD, January 2016, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Experimental Study of the Properties of the Higgs Boson

  • J. McCarthy, PhD, September 2015, in full (PDF, 4MB)
    Search for Rare Baryonic b Decays with the LHCb Experiment at the LHC

  • F. O. Newson, PhD, September 2015, in full (PDF, 22MB)
    Kaon Identification and the Search for Heavy Neutrinos at NA62

  • J. A. Murillo Quijada, PhD, July 2015, in full (PDF, 33MB)
    Direct measurement of the top quark width with the ATLAS experiment

  • B. Allbrooke, PhD, February 2015, in full (PDF, 9MB)
    Search for the Higgs Boson decaying to a b quark pair produced in association with a W boson, using missing transverse energy-triggered events at ATLAS

  • J. D. Palmer, PhD, September 2014, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Top Cross Section Ratios as a Test of Lepton Universality in Charged Weak Decays in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

  • K. Massri, PhD, August 2014, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Kaon Identification and Search for Lepton Number Violation in K+/- Decay-in-Flight Experiments at CERN

  • L. D. Hanratty, PhD, June 2014, in full (PDF, 28MB)
    Lambda and KS Production in PbPb and pp Collisions with ALICE at the LHC

  • A. S. Chisholm, PhD, April 2014, in full (PDF, 8MB)
    Measurements of the chic and chib Quarkonium States in pp Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment

  • T. McLaughlan, PhD, January 2014, in full (PDF, 14MB)
    Measurement of Spin Correlation in Top Quark Pair Production at ATLAS

  • H. S. Bansil, PhD, September 2013, in full (PDF, 14MB)
    Diffractive Dijet Production in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp Collisions at the ATLAS Experiment

  • P. Scott, PhD, September 2013, in full (PDF, 6MB)
    Search for Medium Effects with Jet-like Hadron Correlations at ALICE at the LHC

  • A. S. Palaha, PhD, August 2013, in full (PDF, 6MB)
    Multiplicity and Mean Transverse Momentum of Proton Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV, 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

  • T. Price, PhD, August 2013, in full (PDF, 54MB)
    Digital Calorimetry for Future e+ e- Colliders and their Impact on the Precision Measurement of the Top Higgs Yukawa Coupling

  • P.R.Petrov, PhD, March 2013, in full (PDF, 13MB)
    Strangeness Enhancement in High Multiplicity Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ALICE Detector at the LHC

  • A.Romano, PhD, December 2012, in full (PDF, 14MB)
    Leptonic Decays and Kaon Identification at the NA62 Experiment at CERN

  • T.A.Martin, PhD, September 2012, in full (PDF, 13MB)
    Diffractive dissociation of protons in 7 TeV collisions at the ATLAS detector

  • Z.L.Matthews, PhD, November 2011, in full (PDF, 10MB)
    Proton-proton Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider's ALICE Experiment: Diffraction and High Multiplicity

  • D.R.Hadley, PhD, November 2011, abstract (PDF, 0.4MB) and in full (PDF, 11MB) and (PS, 42MB)
    Search for a High Mass Higgs Boson in the Channel HZZllbb and Digital Filtering for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

  • N.J.Collins, PhD, September 2011, in full (PDF, 6MB) and (PS, 32MB)
    A study of tau lepton production in ttbar events with ATLAS at the LHC

  • S.Navin, PhD, July 2011, in full (PDF, 12MB)
    Diffraction in ALICE and Trigger efficiencies

  • R.Kour, PhD, May 2011, in full (PDF, 61MB)
    J/psi production in proton-proton collisions at ALICE

  • J.N.Lilley, PhD, November 2010, in full (PDF, 5MB)
    Z+γ Differential Cross Section Measurements and the Digital Timing Calibration of the Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Cluster Processor System in ATLAS

  • O.D.Miller, PhD, October 2010, in full (PDF, 56MB)
    MAPS Calorimetry for a Future Linear Collider

  • M.C.Stockton, PhD, November 2009, in full (PDF, 11MB)
    Isolated direct photon production and the Atlantis event display for the ATLAS experiment

  • C.J.Curtis, PhD, October 2009, in full (PDF, 2.6MB)
    Development of the Detector Control System for the ATLAS Level-1 Trigger and Measurement of the Single Top Production Cross Section

  • R.J.Platt, PhD, February 2008, in full (PS, 1.3MB)
    Measurement of Xi- yield at the NA57 experiment and a Monte Carlo study of the rho0 resonance at the ALICE experiment

  • J.R.A.Booth, PhD, February 2008, in full (PDF, 6.0MB)
    Sensitivity to anomalous triple gauge couplings in the W-gamma channel and a Calibration study on the level-1 calorimeter trigger of the ATLAS detector

  • J.D. Tapia Takaki, PhD, December 2007, in full (PDF, 6.0MB)
    Physics performance studies for the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC

  • P. del Amo Sanchez, PhD, October 2007, in full (PDF, 12.7MB) and in full (PS, 6.7MB)
    Time-Dependent Dalitz-Plot Analysis of the Charmless Decay B0 -> K0S pi+pi- at BaBar

  • T.I.Hollins, PhD, November 2006, in full (PDF, 8.5MB)
    SCT Hybrid Testing and the Production of Direct Photons in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC

  • T.H.Moye, PhD, September 2006, abstract (PDF, 0.1MB) and in full (PDF, 40MB)
    Firmware Development for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Cluster Processor Module

  • A.J.Hart, PhD, September 2006, abstract (PDF, 0.1MB) and in full (PDF, 5MB)
    Investigation of the Charmless Decay B+/- -> K+/- K-/+ K+/- using a Dalitz Plot Analysis at BaBar

  • M.Barrett, PhD, September 2006, abstract (PS, 0.1MB) and in full (PS, 4MB) (PDF, 4MB)
    Dalitz Plot Analysis of the Charmless Threebody Decay B+- -> K+- K+- K -+ Utilising Data Recorded by the BaBar Experiment

  • O.M.Henshaw, PhD, September 2005, abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PS, 0.8MB)
    A First Measurement of the Neutral Current Cross Section at High Q2 in Longitudinally Polarised e+p Scattering with the H1 Detector

  • P.A.Bacon, PhD, September 2005, abstract (PS, 0.1MB) and in full (PS, 9MB)
    A study of negatively charged hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions in the NA57 experiment at the CERN SPS

  • B.J.Gallop, PhD, September 2005, abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PDF, 4MB) in full (PS, 13MB)
    ATLAS SCT Readout and Barrel Macro-assembly Testing and Design of MAPS Test Structures

  • S.A.Bull, PhD, May 2005, abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PS, 3.6MB)
    Strange Particle and Antiparticle Production in Proton-Beryllium Interactions at 40 GeV/c at the CERN NA57 Experiment

  • S.E.Morgan, PhD, May 2005, abstract (PS, 0.3MB) and in full (PS, 2.1MB)
    Investigation of the Charmless Decay B -> K pi pi using a Dalitz Plot Analysis at BaBar

  • K.E.Ford, PhD, February 2005, abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PS, 3.8MB)
    Analysis of B0 decay to the Charmless Final State K0S pi+pi- at the BaBar Experiment

  • R.F.Clarke, PhD, September 2004, abstract (PS, 0.1MB) and in full (PS, 3.0MB)
    Proton-Beryllium Interactions at 40 GeV/c

  • Y.R.Coppens, PhD, September 2004, abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PS, 2.4MB)
    A Measurement of the Diffractive Reduced Cross Section at Low Q2 in Deep Inelastic Scattering with the H1 Detector

  • E.E.Woehrling, PhD, September 2004, abstract (PS, 0.3MB) and in full (PS, 1.6MB)
    High Q2 Neutral Current Interactions at H1 and an Extraction of xF3

  • R.C.Penny, PhD, June 2004, abstract (PS, 0.3MB) and in full (PS, 4.6MB) and in full (PDF, 5.2 MB)
    A Branching Ratio Measurement of the Charmless Hadronic Decay B+ -> rho0 pi+; rho0 -> pi+pi- using the BaBar Detector

  • P.J.Bell, PhD, October 2003. abstract (PS, 0.1MB) and in full (PS, 6.7MB)
    Constraints on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings at OPAL and the System Test of the ATLAS Barrel SCT

  • Y.H.Fleming, PhD, September 2003. abstract (PS, 0.2MB) and in full (PS, 1.6MB)
    The H1 First Level Fast Track Trigger

  • D.J.Knowles, PhD, June 2003. abstract (PS, 110kB) and in full (PS, 3124kB)
    Measurement of Branching Fractions of Rare Charmless Hadronic B decays to pi+pi0K0S

  • G.Anagnostou, PhD, November 2002. abstract (PS, 98kB) and in full (PS, 2242kB)
    Analysis of Tau & Muon Pairs at Collision Energies 192-209 GeV with OPAL Detector at LEP

  • C.L.Johnson, PhD, April 2002. abstract (PS, 159kB) and in full (PS, 2190kB)
    A Measurement of the Diffractive Proton Structure Function F2D(3) at Low Q2
    at the H1 Experiment at HERA

  • D.J.Lamb, PhD, June 2001, abstract (PS, 110kB) and in full (PS, 1138kB)
    Inelastic Photoproduction of J/psi Mesons at HERA

  • A.W.Lloyd, PhD, November 2000, abstract (PS, 173kB) and in full (PS, 998kB)
    A Measurement of Triple Gauge Boson Couplings in Fully Leptonic W Decays

  • S.F.Ashby, PhD, August 2000, abstract (PS, 193kB) and in full (PS, 1378kB)
    A Study of the Process e+e- -> mu+mu-(gamma) using the OPAL Detector at LEP

  • G.D.Torrieri, MPhil, October 1999, in full (PS, 2341kB)
    Strangeness Enhancement in Heavy Ion Collisions at the WA97 Experiment

  • M.Thompson, PhD, October 1999, abstract (PS, 96kB) and in full (PS, 2249kB)
    Hyperon Production in Lead-Lead and Proton-Beryllium Interactions

  • P.I.Norman, PhD, October 1999, abstract (PS, 87kB) and in full (PS, 1719kB)
    Hyperon Production in Proton-Beryllium Interactions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon at the WA97 CERN Experiment

  • P.D.Thompson, PhD, June 1999, abstract (PS, 83kB) and in full (PS, 1487kB)
    Open Charm Production in Inclusive and Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA

  • B.C.Earl, PhD, March 1999, abstract (PS, 103kB) and in full (PS, 1822kB)
    A Study of the Centrally Produced K+K- System at the CERN OMEGA Spectrometer

  • S.D.Talbot, PhD, September 1998, abstract (PS, 136kB) and in full (PS, 1663kB)
    Production of Muon pairs and Tau pairs at energies above the Z0 mass using the OPAL detector at LEP

  • A.Connors, PhD, September 1998, abstract (PS, 146kB) and in full (PS, 1992kB)
    The Level 1 Jet Trigger for ATLAS and a Preliminary Study of R-Parity violating Supersymmetry

  • K.L.Hewitt, PhD, March 1998, abstract (PS, 62kB) and in full (PS, 1132kB)
    Elastic J/psi Photoproduction and the Detection and Triggering of Muons at Low Wgp using the H1 Detector

  • A.N.Bell, PhD, Oct 1997, abstract (PS, 62kB) and in full (PS, 1065kB)
    Measurements of the B** and Bs** Mass Peaks and B Mixing using Data from the OPAL experiment

  • J.E.Bloomer, PhD, Sept 1997, abstract (PS, 63kB) and in full (PS, 1195kB)
    Measurement of the Topological Branching Ratios of the Tau Lepton using the OPAL Detector at LEP

  • S.J.Oglesby, PhD, Sept 1997, abstract (PS, 50kB) and in full (PS, 2047kB)
    Investigation of Opto-electronic Data Transmission Methods for Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

  • M.Venables, PhD, August 1997, abstract (PS, 45kB) and in full (PS, 1710kB)
    Hyperon Production in Proton-Sulphur Interactions at 200 GeV/c at the CERN OMEGA Spectrometer

  • V.L.Hudgson, PhD, April 1997, abstract (PS, 52kB) and in full (PS, 1159kB)
    Measurement of the Cross Section for the Quasi-elastic Photoproduction of psi(2S) at HERA

  • T.C.Nicholls, PhD, April 1997, abstract (PS, 55kB) and in full (PS, 1633kB)
    A Measurement of the Diffractive Proton Structure Function at HERA

  • D.A.Rigby, PhD, Dec 1996, abstract (PS, 53kB) and in full (PS, 788kB)
    Measurement of the Muonic Branching Ratio of the tau lepton using the OPAL Detector at LEP

  • K.L.Norman, PhD, Sept 1996, abstract (PS, 47kB) and in full (PS, 771kB)
    An Analysis of the Centrally Produced pi+pi- System at 450 GeV/c

  • I.P.Brawn, PhD, June 1996, abstract (PS, 4kB) and in full (PS, 1404kB)
    Bunch-Crossing Identification for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

  • M.J.Pearce, PhD, March 1996, abstract (PS, 124kB) and in full (PS, 2308kB)
    Measurements of Bottom Hadron Lifetimes

  • P.R.Newman, PhD, Feb 1996, abstract (PS, 74kB) and in full (PS, 1382kB)
    A Study of the Dynamics of Diffractive Photoproduction at HERA

  • J.P.Davies, PhD, Dec 1995, abstract (PS, 55kB) and in full (PS, 1095kB)
    Production of Strange Particles in Ultra-Relativistic Proton-Tungsten Collisions at 200 GeV/c.

  • S.M.Robertson, PhD, Sep 1995, abstract (PS, 46kB) and in full (PS, 572kB)
    Hadronic Energy Flow and Inclusive Charged Particle Production at HERA.

  • A.C.Bayes, PhD, Mar 1995, abstract (PS, 50kB) and in full (PS, 682kB)
    Strange Particle Production in Sulphur-Sulphur Interactions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon.

  • S.Clewer, PhD, Dec 1994, abstract (PS, 60kB) and in full (PS, 653kB)
    Analysis of the Central K0 K pi System and Determination of the f1(1285) Branching Ratio at 450 GeV/c.