Particle Physics in Birmingham

Particle Physics Seminar

Wednesday 10th March 2021 at 13:30

(virtual coffee served at 13:15)

Higgs Properties and BSM Search in 4 lepton channel at ATLAS

Panagiotis Bellos (Birmingham University)


The discovery of Higgs boson in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments marked a key milestone in the history of particle physics. The H->ZZ*->4l channel has been a key ingredient in this discovery, also called the golden-channel, and a major source of information on the properties of the Higgs boson since. A selection of the wide range of studies on Higgs boson properties currently on-going usingĀ  H->ZZ*->4l events will be presented, ranging from the Higgs boson mass and width to the inclusive and differential cross-sections, to searches for new physics.